A high performance filesystem for accessing object storage

cunoFS lets you interact with object storage as if it were a fast native file system
with POSIX compatibility that can run any new or existing applications

cunoFS lets you interact with object storage as if it were a fast native file system with POSIX compatibility that can run any new or existing applications

Save time, save money, on cloud, on-prem and hybrid.

Unleashing Object Storage

POSIX Compliant

Run workloads as expected, with user/group permissions, symlinks, hardlinks, POSIX ACL

High Performance

Forget gateways. Unleash the true potential and scalability of object storage. Tested at 10+ Tbps.

Native Object Access

Access your objects as files, access your files as objects, without those slow, unscalable gateways.

Without Scrambling Files

Unlike most other solutions, we don’t scramble files into proprietary object formats. Each file is stored as its object at the path you expect.

Learn more about how cunoFS can help you

cunoFS Market Positioning

Incredible performance.

Extreme scalability.

At a fraction of the price.

Quick peek demo

(cuno with unmodified bash+applications)

cuno is not a CLI. cuno works with any application, including shells and applications spawned from shells running under cuno.

Super fast, Transparent and User-friendly

Cloud Access with cunoFS

cunoFS software has been built to be incredibly easy to use. Install the client in minutes (no special privileges required), or run inside unmodified containers.

Run your usual (unmodified) Linux tools and applications, but now with ultra-fast object storage. Access storage across cloud providers on the command line as though they were local. Open projects in RStudio. Quickly edit files in emacs or vi. Find things with locate or find. Sync folders with rsync or cp. Launch serverless Lambda transcodes with ffmpeg.

Even applications that come with built-in object support have been benchmarked at up to 10x faster with cunoFS.

Unlocking the value of your data operations

Incredible Performance for your Applications, Tools & Containers

Modern business relies on analysing and interpreting data that keeps growing in size. Speeding that up whilst significantly reducing costs can transform the scale and value of your data operations.

We all know that object storage offers low cost, infinite scalability and high availability storage. We also know there are usability and performance challenges.

Object stores have a completely different set of access semantics compared to classic file systems, requiring the re-writing of many applications. Existing platforms have overcome some access challenges, but introduced expensive and complex architectures of slow bottlenecked file gateways, caching tiers and vendor lock-ins.

cunoFS solves all these challenges.

Accelerating Discoveries

From Solving Productivity Challenges in Life Sciences

Our multi-award winning team have spent years solving productivity challenges in life sciences.

cunoFS and its precursor products are accelerating the discovery of new medicines by streaming 100+ GB genomic data files to bioinformatics analysis tools.

We are proud to now bring this technology to all organizations.

CUNO can also speed up object-native apps by 10x

Real-world Benchmarks with Samtools

Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data and consists of three separate repositories. The Samtools application already includes S3 support, so we put its object access to the test, to understand if CUNO could enhance its performance. And the results speak for themselves. With CUNO + Samtools, we saw a 4.8x speed up for downloads and a 30.5x speed up for uploads (a geometric mean of 12x).

Download Test:
time samtools view -h ${​​​​​​​​DATA_FILE_IN_S3}​​​​​​​​ > /dev/null
Upload Test: :
time samtools view -h ${​​​​​​​​UPLOAD_FILE}​​​​​​​​ -o ${​​​​​​​​DATA_FILE_IN_S3}​​​​​​​​-upload

cunoFS Features

The Easiest And Most Cost-Effective Way
to Access And Manage Data

Click to learn more

cunoFS is a Cheaper and Faster Alternative to FSx for Lustre

cunoFS is a Faster and Cheaper Alternative to FSx for Lustre

FSx for Lustre is a distributed parallel filesystem that’s used as part of HPC (high-performance computing) workloads across a variety of complex fields (including life sciences, machine learning, meteorology, finance, and media). It is AWS’s managed version of the Lustre filesystem, and while it’s a popular high-performance storage option, it can quickly become unaffordable as HPC projects scale. This article directly compares the cost and performance for FSx for Lustre and its alternatives, as well as discussing their scalability and compatibility with your existing HPC workloads. cunoFS is a high-performance alternative to Amazon’s FSx for Lustre filesystem This article compares FSx for Lustre, AWS Mountpoint, and cunoFS. cunoFS allows HPC users to use Amazon’s S3 object storage as a high-performance POSIX-compatible filesystem that outperforms FSx for Lustre on both cost and performance, as demonstrated in the benchmarks on this page.  cunoFS allows you to run your existing applications and scripts (Python, C++, bash, etc.) as normal, which massively improves your development efficiency.  Features and compatibility: comparing FSx for Lustre, AWS Mountpoint, and cunoFS FSx for Lustre vs. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 Mountpoint for Amazon S3 allows you to mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a local filesystem, but it has

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How to migrate your on-premises scientific workloads to Azure

How to migrate your on-premises scientific workloads to Azure

Migrating on-premises scientific workloads to the cloud has many benefits in terms of cost and performance that are attractive to both academic and business organizations. Microsoft Azure is a popular cloud platform within the scientific research community as it offers a variety of features and tools to build and scale the infrastructure for your workflows, as well as being cost-effective and scalable.  This article explains what you need to consider when migrating your workloads to Azure, and compares the best workload migration solutions. We explain how to set up your cluster, migrate your scheduling system, and choose appropriate file storage (spoiler: using cunoFS to access Azure Blob Storage wins). What you need to consider before migrating your workloads to Azure When you’re planning your migration you should ensure that Azure supports all the features you require for your workloads, both now and in the future. You don’t want to invest in migrating to a platform that later becomes unsuitable — both re-implementing your workflows and migrating your data will be expensive. To encourage customer loyalty, cloud storage providers make it cheap to transfer data to their platforms but expensive to move it out. Azure is no exception, charging a big

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High-Performance Object Storage — Fast, Infinitely Scalable Storage for HPC and Scientific Workloads

High-Performance Object Storage — Fast, Infinitely Scalable Storage for HPC and Scientific Workloads

High-performance computing, machine learning (ML) and AI, and scientific workloads must be built to be scalable, a requirement that is often difficult for traditional filesystem storage solutions to meet. Object storage provides a fast, networked, and highly scalable storage option for these use cases, but there are some inherent performance and compatibility problems that need to be solved when using object storage with your existing scripts and applications. In this article, we break down the types of performance requirements that might exist for object storage, and show how cunoFS achieves higher throughput performance with existing object storage solutions. cunoFS turns any S3-API compatible object storage solution into a high-performance, POSIX-compatible filesystem that can be used with your existing code, often with better performance than native APIs and SDKs. cunoFS works on all major operating systems and is compatible with all popular object storage systems, both cloud and on-premises, including AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, NetApp StorageGRID, MinIO, and Dell ECS. High-performance storage requirements: what does “high-performance” mean to you? ”Performance” can mean different things in different use cases — each project measures success differently, and there can be some confusion as to whether a storage solution is

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Yes. When CUNO is installed, you can use standard CLI commands (like `cp` and `mv`) to migrate your file system data to all supported Object Stores. You can verify your transfers by performing checksum calculations using `md5sum` to be 100% confident of data integrity. File access control would need to be undertaken separately on the Object Storage to apply permissions.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Storage Agnostic

Transparent Access

Secure Data